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シンフォギアシリーズの変身バンク ~調編~

【Hanma-BAKI】Happy breakfast in the comic、I tried to reproduce it completely【Japan-Animation&Comic】

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――On AirSTART! 

Forward talk

Have a nice day!
Listeners, this is Awayuki, the navigator.  Breakfast is important


How are you doing?
Familiar, assistant Shimari.  Don't skip breakfast


Today is the 1st article of "English version"


Since it is translated by Google Translate, the nuance may be suspicious, but please bear with me


We tried to re-edit the popular "cooking project" in Japanese article in English 


We tried to reproduce the original scene in the popular "BAKI series" on Netflix 


The cooking scene is excellent in the "BAKI series"


Before that, it is better to explain the "BAKI series"


What is "BAKI-series"?

BAKI-series. A general term for the fighting manga by Keisuke Itagaki and the media mix works based on it. Weekly Shonen Champion (Akita Shoten) signboard work. Japan's most major fighting work. The cumulative total has exceeded 75 million copies. In the future, it is unlikely that a fighting work that can reach the realm of BAKI will be born. The evaluation of cooking depiction is high enough to be comparable to powerful fighting depiction.






In 2001, even the biggest tournament of "Baki the Grappler" was animated


And in 2018, re-animated from the most deadly prisoner edition of "BAKI" 


In 2020, the second season of "BAKI" will also be animated. The original 3rd series "Hanma-BAKI" has also been decided to be animated


Then, the explanation of the main subject, "Happy breakfast" 


What is "Happy breakfast"?

Happy breakfast. Breakfast made by Baki from the third episode of the BAKI series, "Hanma-BAKI", Volume 25, Episode 207, "Home Cooking". Menu includes bacon and eggs, seaweed miso soup, grilled saury, heaps of cabbage, and rice.Bacon and eggs with 4 eggs and a bowl of cabbage. This simple menu and delicious cooking drawings overlap, making it a legend among readers.






It was a popular menu in collaboration with restaurants


Let's introduce tweets


Menu of "BAKI Cafe" which is a collaboration project



Can the producer go beyond the "BAKI Cafe"?


Let's get to the main subject



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Cooking start

First of all, from the place where all the ingredients are prepared


It's the basic of the basics


Material list

Rice and miso soup are as follows








Suddenly it's a level of omission


I'm surprised. Packed rice is 300 grams and 100 yen, so it has excellent cost performance, but even miso soup is instant


To prevent diabetes, packed rice that can prevent overeating is effective, but miso soup is not


I wanted the ingredients to be "wakame and tofu" miso soup instead of clams without any hassle


Let's interpret it as aiming to exceed the original because it is a low-salt and healthy clam


Let's go to the ingredients for bacon and eggs








It's normal


There is no way to get strange


The royal road is fine, on the royal road


Next is the saury








The thawed product costs 97 yen (excluding tax)


Grilled fish is a hassle, and cleaning up the kitchen is difficult, so I just wonder if I should prepare a side dish


I searched for a ready-made dish, but I couldn't find the grilled saury


Oh really


You can't really cheat with atka mackerel or other fish
I decided to give up and bake the fish


Well then, wait, cabbage and radish








What a hell!


It's too cruel, in many ways


I want to hold my head


Let's move on to cooking when the ingredients are ready



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Salad (sliced cabbage)





You don't need to wash it with water, so put it in a large bowl and you're done


Finish in just 3 seconds


This bowl is relatively large and I prepared two bags for "heaping", but at first glance I was not confident that I could eat it, so I decided to use only one bag


Bacon and eggs





I will bake from bacon


I didn't oil it. Only fat from meat is enough


Now, let's check the time and drop the egg. It's a moment of tension









By all means, four are too many


The latest research also reports that egg cholesterol does not affect the human body so much. But it still makes me uneasy


Cholesterol or purely quantitative


Add a little water and cover


Steam a little








A glimpse of the fish head on the left end


The saury is also baked at the same time


Open the lid and check that the water has blown off


My taste is half-ripe








There is no salt and pepper on the fried egg because it is soy sauce


It's a success. I was able to do it well








It ’s a catastrophe on a plate.


There was no problem if there were about two eyeballs, but four were too many, or when I put them on a spatula, I lost to my own weight.――You can see it(ご覧の有様だよ)!


Nostalgic, that phrase. How many people can understand in the English-speaking world?


There is no choice but to fail. Finally go to the troublesome grilled saury with salt


Grilled saury with salt 

We don't use the grill equipment


In consideration of cleaning up, We used a special frying pan for fish and grilled meat









We will bake it slowly over low heat


We turned it over many times on the way


The baked products are as follows








Due to the effects of being turned over many times, the skin that was supposed to be crispy became disastrously tattered


It looks the worst


However, it took a lot of time and effort due to the slow low heat, and the fragrance was outstanding and the body became plump


It looks unpleasant in the photo








Didn't you have a proper plate?


I thought I'd go buy it, but it was a hassle, so I replaced it with a paper plate for delicatessen


At least use a paper plate of grilled fish pack


When I revealed my identity, it was a paper plate in a pack that contained nigiri sushi. I bought a sushi pack (about 500 yen) just to put saury on it


Far from being cheap, it is relatively expensive
Let's calculate the price


200 yen for cabbage, 100 yen for saury, 200 yen for grated radish, 500 yen for sushi pack (for plates), 100 yen for rice, 100 yen for bacon, and 40 yen for eggs.―― 1,240 yen in total
Considering the cooking time and the trouble of cleaning up


The 800 yen set meal at the restaurant will have better overall cost performance


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Rice and miso soup







Hey, this isn't cooking


There is no dish that seems to be cooking from the beginning


Let's line up anyway


Complete!  Real Baki's breakfast






The arrangement of each menu is faithful to the original. It's not a round table


The bacon and eggs that are miserably failing are ruining everything


Unlike the You Tube video, this is a still image, so let's modify it


What is a fix?









Isn't it forgery and tampering


Yes! Japan's proud "hospitality of Japanese spirit(OMOTENASHI)" and "beautiful country(美しい国)"――It ’s a specialty of Japanese companies and Japanese politicians


Can you stop me or say a dangerous line








We managed to finish it


The answer was correct without putting two bags of cabbage. I'm glad I stopped the heap


Rice, miso soup, saury, half cabbage bowl, 2 bacon and eggs―― I was satisfied with this amount.


There were many four bacon and eggs highlights. I got tired on the way


Cabbage was a strong enemy, really


This is the end of the first English version of the article


Click the link below for the English translation (By Google Translate) of the entire blog



Please fly from the link below
[ Review Japanese-animation Blog English ver. ]



Annotation!  "Google Adsense" will be broken, so please enjoy the original version instead of "Google Translate version" if possible.


English version of site map





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  In addition, we will not forget to respect the right holders and related parties, and clearly state that we will try to use them without any disadvantage.(また、権利者様および各関係者様への敬意を忘れず、不利益にならない用法を心掛ける事を明記します)